Here we have compiled answers to frequently asked questions about our company, our products and our services. If you have any questions that are not answered here, please do not hesitate to contact us. We always endeavour to help you quickly and competently.

Event tickets are normally available at all known advance booking offices. The starting date of the advance booking is set by the respective organizer. As soon as the advance booking starts, you will find a corresponding notification and the ticket price on our website. If an event is already sold out, this information is also promptly displayed on our website and kept updated.

If an event is cancelled or postponed to another date, this information is promptly displayed on our website and kept updated. Tickets normally retain their validity in case of a postponement.

If you are unable to attend on the new date or the event is cancelled without a substitute date, you can return your tickets to the advance booking office where you purchased them.

We recommend that you check our website again right before the event in order to avoid any unpleasant surprises.

The organizer is always responsible for the return of the tickets. In most cases, we are only the venue and have no control over the redemption of ticket purchases. You will always find the respective organizer on your tickets. In these cases, you need to contact the organizer or your ticket agent directly. Should Bochumer Veranstaltungs-GmbH be the organizer of the cancelled event, you will find corresponding information in the respective entry in our Calendar of Events.

Here too: this decision can only be made by the organizer, please contact the organizer specified on your tickets or, if applicable, the ticket agent where the tickets were purchased.

Please use the public parking facilities along Parkstrasse. Please note that this is a residential area with limited parking. Therefore, we generally recommend that you travel by public transport.

Yes, the environmental zone includes the area around the Freilichtbühne Wattenscheid. The route from the motorway to the Freilichtbühne can therefore only be driven with a green environmental badge.

From the stop Wattenscheid Post (approx. 10 minutes' walk) the tram line 302 runs in the direction of Bochum main station approximately every 10 minutes until 20:00 (journey approx. 20 minutes), and then every 15 minutes. The last regular direct connection is at 23:39 hrs. On Sundays and holidays, line 302 runs continuously every 15 minutes (:09, :24, :39 and :54). The last regular direct connection is at 23:09 hrs. For individual information, please use the online public transport search on our homepage in the section Directions/Parking.

As a rule, admission is 30 to 60 minutes before the start of the event. However, this information may vary. Therefore, please note the corresponding information on your ticket or for the respective event in our Online Event Programme.

Yes, handbags and rucksacks are usually checked by security at the entrance to an event. It is fundamentally not allowed to bring glass (bottles, glasses, etc.), cans, weapons, fireworks and other dangerous objects. In case of doubt, other items that are not allowed are decided depending on the event.

Yes, the beer garden on the grounds of the Freilichtbühne Wattenscheid is always open during events and offers soft drinks, beer, wine and sparkling wine as well as food ranging from small snacks to curried sausage and fries.

No, it is fundamentally not permitted to bring animals to the events.

With the discontinuation of most of the Corona rules, the access restrictions and the mask requirement also cease to apply in our venues. Please note, however, that our organizers are free to apply measures for the respective events. Please inquire about any admission rules prior to your visit.

As a general rule, young people under the age of 16 need to be accompanied by a person authorized to supervise them. Parents and guardians may entrust other persons with supervision, provided they are at least 18 years old. A corresponding form for authorizing a person with supervision can be downloaded here.

The duration of the events varies. It is usually about 2.5 to 3 hours. Due to the noise restrictions at night, events end at 22:00 at the latest.

Yes, the grounds of the Freilichtbühne Wattenscheid are accessible without barriers and therefore e.g. also suitable for wheelchair users. For all public events, there is a sufficient number of places with unrestricted views available for wheelchair users incl. accompanying persons. Furthermore, the grounds of the Freilichtbühne Wattenscheid have a toilet with barrier-free access.